World Wild Webs: Our Interconnected Planet - European Researchers’ Night


Тhe European Researchers’ Night (ERN) is a major event that simultaneously takes place in about 300 cities all over Europe on the last Friday of September with the aim of bringing science, research and technology closer to the public. Took part in two different events on the night, EU Pub and the Storytelling. The EU Pub was a speed-dating like setup where anyone could grab a drink and sit down for a chat with a scientist to ask their questions that never got answered. The Storytelling event, set to the backdrop of the other-worldly marine invertebrate room of the Natural History Museum, brought together short stories from scientists about their experiences, both in the Museum and out in the field. Together with my brilliant colleague, Carla Pont, we recalled some of our best stories from our fieldtrip to Calabria, Italy, in the summer of 2018.